Imagine running your own business with job security, a steadily growing income, and plenty of markets for future expansion. Power Wash Industries gives you the tools, the training and the inspiration to achieve the goal of starting a power wash business – and more!

With over 30 years in business Power Line Industries, Inc. developed Power Wash Industries to give you the professional’s edge in starting a power wash business. The Professional’s Edge combines the most innovative, profit generating services and product distribution systems – targeted for the “new economy”.

Our world class services, products and state-of-the-art application equipment protects, restores and enhances commercial and residential properties. Thereby protecting your customers asset value and generates more income to the bottom line of your commercial accounts.

World Class Training Bootcamp

Get your Power Wash Business off on the right foot by attending our very popular Power Wash Training Boot Camp. This overview shows the types of things we go over during our two day workshop including in class instruction covering business marketing strategies, putting social media to work for you, safety & chemical training and best of all, hands on training in real world situations using the very equipment that you purchase from Power Line Industries. Give us a call at 385-887-3979 for more information about attending our Power Wash Business Bootcamps.

Meet the Trainers

With over 40 years of combined work experience in the sporting event world of corporate America, in 2006 we discussed pursuing a totally new direction.  We researched and analyzed possible different directions and then made the decision to go into the pressure washing industry.  After further research and review we knew that Power Line Industries is where we wanted to purchase our unit.  In 2007, TASK Pressure Washing was started in Utah.

Our first customers were not only residential homes but included restaurants, sporting goods stores, garages, high schools, and supermarkets.

In 2009, we moved to Dallas, Texas where TASK grew year after year.  We started with ATT Stadium, home of the Cowboys.  We were awarded the contract for the City of Dallas which included city streets, garages, and parks.  Also included were contracts for DFW Airport, commercial buildings, hotels, and restaurants.  With our passion and desire to grow, nothing was impossible!

With the State-of-the-Art equipment we purchased from Power Line Industries, we were able to provide professional services, build long term relationships and earn the reputation of integrity, attention to detail and dependability.

Our original unit, purchased in 2007, still goes out daily and is running strong, which is evidence of the quality of Power Line equipment!

We are excited to share our knowledge during the Power Line Boot Camp training that is offered to everyone interested in this line of work.  We look forward to meeting you soon!

Our Story…


A.C. Fellers started one of the first chemical and equipment businesses in the US as AC Fellers Corporation.


Morris Morgan became a Distributor for AC Fellers for the equipment and detergent lines for the Intermountain States


Morris and a small group of investors bought AC Fellers Corporation with all Patents, Trademarks, and Distribution rights. Renamed the operation as Power Line Chemical Corporation.


Signed a Nationwide supply agreement with Minute Lube who later became Jiffy Lube.


We opened up our first power wash company in 1990 in Las Vegas and we became a sole sourced supplier for our equipment and detergents for the US Army and supplied Desert Storm clean up operation in Iraq.


Changed Company name to Power Line Industries, Inc. Began building our first complete Water Blaster System(s) in house.


We started building larger / more powerful high pressure water cleaning and jetting equipment.


Developed Power Wash Industries for training and equipment packages.


Built our current facility to accommodate our growth and a new R&D and Training facility.


Began informal power wash training courses.


Our informal training courses became a full Power Wash Business Bootcamp offering hands on training and business marketing instruction.

Also, with Dow Chemical, we developed our Thermo Reactive Sealer Line of Property Protection Chemicals.


Introduced the larger line of power washing equipment – 35HP Vanguard and Kubota Diesel – to tackle the BIG JOBS.


We developed a combination Soft Wash and Power Wash System for the Power Wash Pros!


Steve and Tina became  trainers  for Power Wash Industries

A Word from Mo…

Our Founder & Operations Manager

This is one example in my life of how opportunities can slip through your fingertips and this relates directly to the creation of Power Wash Industries… While running my landscape business – I had the CHEMLAWN franchise offered to me (Now True Green) in the early 80‘s and I thought – “If you can buy a bag of fertilizer for $5 – who in their right mind is going to pay $15 per application to spray water and some fertilizer mix on their lawn four times a year???… I THOUGHT “THAT’S RIPPING CUSTOMERS OFF!” – I’ll just keep killing myself mowing lawns for $8 to $10 a job, 12 to 14 hours a day. I knew I could more than double my income with adding this service to my customers, and I still did not invest in the opportunity, what a dumb (insert your own colorful metaphor here) I was!

The reason I’m telling this story is that I’ve been at the edge of huge success. If I had added an additional service to my existing business, educated myself a little more about other business opportunities, opened my eyes to think out of the box and had not been so damn prideful – opportunity was right in my grasp! I couldn’t think out of the box – SELLING THE VALUE – NOT JUST THE PRICE! Combining the add-on services – this is what inspired us to create Power Wash Industries!!

We do not want to over promise or mislead you into thinking – “OH, this is an easy business and you can easily make a 100k plus” – IT’S NOT THAT EASY, IT’S HARD WORK! From great marketing, organization, persistence, planning, asking for the business, being able to secure the jobs, great communication skills, having enough capital to withstand the start up phase, etc, etc… HOWEVER – WHEN PREPARATION MEETS OPPORTUNITY AND WITH A LITTLE LUCK AND TIMING – LOOK OUT… THIS IS WHEN YOU CAN BECOME SUCCESSFUL. When you evaluate various business opportunities I love what Thomas Edison said about doing your homework. “Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration, accordingly – a genius is often a talented person who has done all of his or her homework”.

Over the last 25 plus years I’ve heard 100‘s of contractor success stories in the power wash and related service businesses. The contractors that combine services are the most successful. We have combined the “best of the best” profitable services with our breakthrough equipment and products into four turnkey distributor packages.

There is no better example in this business than Stirling Hess of High Tech Windows & Services. Who was also one of our trainers. His company grosses in the middle 6 figures. When he combined Power Wash Industries’ training and products to his company – his company’s income has steady grown – even through this recession!

YES – it’s taking a risk to start your own business! Sometimes “pulling the trigger” is understandably hard to do… however… NO RISK – NO RETURN. Obviously – we can’t guarantee your success – however – combining the right professional grade equipment, breakthrough products and services, comprehensive training, and your determination – will help guide you to success!!

I truly love this industry – working with our distributors – helping them build their businesses gives us a great sense of pride. We look forward to helping you become successful with your own distributorship.


Morris “Mo” Morgan

Contact Us

What are your Power Wash Business goals? Let us know so we can fit you with the best equipment and the right training!

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© 2006 - | Manufacturing and Distributing Pressure Washers Since 1972